THE book everybody thought was impossible to publish in Singapore. It takes a swipe at not only Singapore politicians but also Singaporeans and their lifestyle. This is Singapore’s fastest-selling title ever: 40,000 copies in two months! [Buy Now]
GEORGE is back! After almost a decade in exile, the author of “Hello Chok Tong, Goodbye Kuan Yew” emerges unrepentant to take another peek at Singaporeans and their larger-than-life politicians. [Buy Now]
SINGAPORE’s favourite political cartoonist turns his wicked wit on the famous Raffles Hotel. Seemingly oblivious to its $160 million restoration, he takes a dig at the lofty image of one the island's most treasured monuments.
WORRY no more! The Coxford Singlish Dictionary can help you fit in with everyday Singaporeans. Study it, and you too can impress your friends by swearing like an Ah Beng! Advocates of proper English may find this book useful in teaching their kids how not to speak. Singlish is the uniquely Singaporean vernacular blend of English and local (mostly) Hokkien, Malay and Tamil terms. Often (unfairly) maligned, Singlish actually involves a lot of very witty cross-cultural wordplay. The Coxford Singlish Dictionary is the first attempt to archive this special part of Singapore’s heritage in a celebratory way, including providing worked examples for the uninitiated. The Coxford Singlish Dictionary is the most comprehensive lexicon of Singlish in the world, and it began online at Singapore’s most popular satirical humor website, [Buy Now]
OVER 50,000 copies sold. Satire cum humour. An attack on hypocritical and shallow race relations between East and West.
AN EXPOSÉ of the sexually proficient goddess caught in between East and West.
THE SPG exacts her revenge as she exposes the white expatriate’s sex games in the East.
JUST when you thought the Sexually Proficient Goddess had bitten the dust, she comes out fighting. But the white expatriate is not taking things lying down.
STRESSED out? Going mad? Take a break and read this book. After all, laughter is the best medicine.
THE hottest-selling joke books in Singapore and Malaysia. A huge collection of more than 400 zany jokes in Volume 1. In Volume 2, there are over 600 jokes and many special sections.
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